HomeGamesText puzzle
  • 5 letters

    5 letters

    8.6 1.0 2024-12-05
    Text puzzle

Can you guess the 5 letter word ?

Can you guess the 5 letter word ?

The aim of the game is to guess as many words as possible.

Each word consists of 5 letters.

You have 5 attempts to guess each word.

The rules are very simple:

1. Enter 5 letters and see what color are the buttons

- green: the letter is in the right place in the word

- blue: there is no such letter in the word

- yellow: the letter is in a different position

2. Guess the word and collect stars.

For every word you get 1-5 stars. Collect them and buy hints.

5 letters is an excellent puzzle game, providing fantastic entertainment for many hours.

This game is dedicated to all fans of puzzle games, especially for lovers of word games.

If you like word games, you will love this game!

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