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Islamic economy and news about Muslims on Al-Kanz

Halal & Halal - حلال & حلال. Consume ethically Koran (Quran) and the Sunnah, discuss the news of Muslims in France and the world, encourage initiatives (undertake, association), living Islam in daily Ramadan.

Islam in Europe, Islam in Africa, Islam in Asia, Islam in North America and Islam in South America, Oceania Islam, if Islam appears multifaceted, God is One.

Al-Kanz traveled the Muslim world in its diversity through its consumption patterns and its many facets:

* Halal food

* Islamic finance (finance halal)

* Halal tourism, tourism muslim friendly

* Ramadan (Ramadan date iftar, mosque, eating halal)

Hajj and Umrah * (news, prevention, scam hajj)

* Zakat (nissab, initiatives)

But also topics on:

* Islamophobia

* Mosque in France and around the world

* The muslim business

* Islam and business

Downloaded more than 100,000 times, Al-Kanz application is your application. Your suggestions are welcome.

Prayer times available on the website Al-Kanz.org will soon be added to the iPhone / iPad version. Pending on the site, you

* Time of Prayer for 36,000 cities of France

* Ramadan Calendar 2014 - 1435

* Ability to print the calendar in PDF format

* Monthly or yearly Format

* Date Hijri (Hijri)

* Adhan configurable

* Two calculations method: 15 ° and 18 °

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