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Amazons is one of most quality board games developed in 20th century.

Amazons is one of most quality board games developed in 20th century. The Game of the Amazons (or simply Amazons) is an abstract game of territory for two players, played on a 10x10 board. While the game rules are simple and can be explained under a minute, the game has high complexity with more than 2000 possible opening moves for the first player, making it challenging and exciting.

This is the free version of the app which has ads and only has up to 5 computer levels. "Early End Game" option is only available in the paid version at:


** Features **

Download the paid version and enjoy the following features:

- Strong AI computer player with 8 levels of difficulty. The computer player adopted algorithms developed by Amazong, previous world champion in Amazons Computer Olympiad.

- Local Two Players mode

- Moves animation/highlighting and sound effects

** Highlights for Paid Version **

Top 20 board games in Spain (Jan 2015)

Top 10 newly paid board games in various countries( US, Spain, Australia, UK, Germany, Switzerland and more on Jan 2015)

** Reviews & Highlights for iOS Version of the app **


Reached the following positions in Dec 2014:

- Top 10 iPad board games in Taiwan

- Top 20 iPad board games in Korea

- Top 30 iPhone board games in Canada & Netherlands

- Featured in 123 countries for iPhone/iPad board games on launch date

Review from apppicker.com

"an excellent game that tests your tactical skills in a territorial battle of wits, providing a wildly engaging alternative for Chess players who want a diverse and dynamic game experience.... really scintillate your grey matter..."

Source: http://www.apppicker.com/reviews/20874/amazons-board-game-app-review-territorial-tribulations

** Game Rules **

Each player has four amazons, which move like chess queens : any number of vacant squares in a straight line -- orthogonally or diagonally. After it moves, an amazon must fire an arrow in the same manner from its landing square (one or more vacant squares orthogonally or diagonally). The square where the arrow lands is then marked to indicate it is blocked . No amazon or arrow may move into or through a blocked square. White moves first, moving one amazon and firing an arrow with that amazon. The players alternate moving, and the player last able to make a move wins.

** Youtube channel **


Thank you. Enjoy this addicting and extremely challenging game.

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