استمتع بالملايين من أحدث تطبيقات Android والألعاب والموسيقى والأفلام والتلفزيون والكتب والمجلات والمزيد. في أي وقت ، في أي مكان ، عبر أجهزتك.
This app is a modification of Google's stock camera app. لقد قمت بإصلاح بعض مشكلات وضع القائمة الصغيرة ، وزيادة حجم الخط ، وقمت بتمكين زر R على Xperia Play كزر مصراع لالتقاط الصور وتسجيل مقاطع الفيديو وزر L ليكون بمثابة التركيز في وضع الصورة.
The donation version includes ability to skin the interface!
STOP ASKING FOR ZOOM IT WONT BE ADDED. This app was a modification of the stock app and i wont add features. The Xperia PLAY camera doesn't support zoom anyway so it's pointless digital zoom is just cropping so go do it in the gallery. You'd just all complain the zoom quality was bad, you'd be better off drawing it than digital zoom!
If the application does not work please try reinstalling the application and if that doesn't solve it try rebooting your handset. That should fix most if not all issues, if it doesn't contact me!
This application can be discussed at the XDA forums: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1085914 or feel free to email me. I AM UNABLE TO ANSWER ANY COMMENTS BELOW SO PLEASE EMAIL ME BEFORE POSTING NEGATIVE COMMENTS THANKS. In response to a comment below the app has permission that GOOGLE set as this is their code, I only modified the button handling. GPS = geotagging (Google IT) و SMS = إرسال رسائل صور (انقر فوق جهاز photoframe مع علامة زائد في تطبيق SE Messaging واضغط على التقاط الصورة لمعرفة ما أعنيه).
I do not take credit for the camera app its self, that is work of the great volunteers and Google employees who have worked on android. I only take credit for the modifications I have performed on their code. I offer this app with NO warranty and do not take responsibly for any issue that arise from using it.
* Xperia PLAY optimized *
اقرأ المزيد