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Get the Blessing of Shri Mahavir Hanuman

This is a beautiful high quality live wallpaper of Shri Hanuman. It features Mahavir Hanuman, Rama, the statue of iskcon temple with shower of animated flowers, leaves and diyas.

Hanuman is one of the many deities of the Hindu tradition. He is regarded as the monkey-general of a mythic monkey kingdom, known as Kiskindha. في التقاليد الهندوسية ، يشتهر هانومان بدوره في رامايانا ملحمة سنسكريتية تضم شخصيات راما وسيتا وهانومان ولاكسمانا ، شخصية رامايانا ملحمة ؛ Laksmana is his brother who accompanies Rama during his banishment from his kingdom. The story of the birth of Hanuman goes thus: Vrihaspati, the preceptor of the gods, had an attendant called Punjikasthala. تم لعنها لافتراض شكل قرد أنثى - لعنة لا يمكن إلغاؤها إلا إذا كانت ستولد تجسدًا من اللورد شيفا. Reborn as Anjana, she performed intense austerities to please Shiva, who finally granted her the boon that would cure her of the curse.

عندما أعطى Agni ، إله Fire Dasharath ، ملك أيوديا ، وعاء من الطعام الحلو المقدس لمشاركته بين زوجاته حتى يكون لديهم أطفال إلهيون ، قام نسر انتزاع جزء من الحلوى وأسقطه حيث كانت أنجانا تتأمل ، و Pavana ، إله الرياح تسليم الهبوط إلى يديها المتقدمة. After she took the divine dessert, she gave birth to Hanuman. Thus Lord Shiva incarnated as a monkey, and was born as Hanuman to Anjana, by the blessings of Pavana, who thus became Hanuman's godfather.

The Ramayana describes how Hanuman was devoted to Rama and willingly set off to Lanka to search for Sita. Rama is unable to go himself; he had been expelled from the city for his 14 year exile. في وقت سابق من رامايانا ، قال راما إنه في كل مكان ، حتى بين الحيوانات ، يمكن العثور على مخلوقات جيدة تتبع طرق البر ، والتي تكون شجاعة وتوفر مكانًا مؤكدًا للملجأ. يناسب هذا البيان وصف هانومان ، لأنه كائن مخلص وفاضل ، وهو على استعداد لتحمل خطر العبور إلى أرض رافانا لإنقاذ سيتا. Hanuman does find Sita, but she refuses to return with him because of her loyalty to her husband. She is unwilling to touch another man, and believes that it is Rama's duty (dharma) to save her himself.

The character of Hanuman teaches us of the unlimited power that lies unused within each one of us. وجه هانومان جميع طاقاته نحو عبادة اللورد راما ، وجعله إخلاصه الذي لا يهدأ بحيث أصبح حرًا من كل التعب البدني. And Hanuman's only desire was to go on serving Rama.

Hanuman met Rama and his brother Lakshmana while Rama was in exile in the jungle, and searching for his wife Sita who was abducted by Ravana. Their quest brought them near Pampa Lake at the foot of Mount Risyamukha, where the monkey king Sugriva and his ministers were hiding. Sugriva, who was being persecuted by his brother Bali, suspected that Rama and Lakshmana might have been sent by Bali to slay him. To find out the facts, Hanuman approached them in the guise of a Brahmin.


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7. You can also enable or disable hit counter in the background.

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Last updated on Mar 10, 2017 Now you can share with your friends

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