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جميع مواقع Mr.Clark NPC 7 في Lootify


In Lootify, the developers have added a mysterious NPC called Mr.Clark to the base game. على عكس Cats ، يعد Mr.Clark (مؤلف مؤشر Loot) في الواقع إضافة مفيدة توفر تعزيزات دائمة للاعبين ، بدءًا من الامتيازات المتعلقة بالعملة إلى احصائيات الحظ . So, here is a guide highlighting all the locations of Mr.Clark in Lootify.

Where does Mr.Clark spawn in Lootify?

Below, I have mentioned all the Spawn Locations of Mr.Clark in the game. Simply visit this location and interact with the character to get the additional benefit.

الموقع 1

  • This Mr.Clark is near a large wood crate on a small island between World 1 and World 2 . Speaking with him will provide a 2% EXP boost.

الموقع 2

  • Behind the Rock Golem Sentinel NPC Boss statue on Mystic Grove Island , there is a secret opening. Go through the wall to find a Mr.Clarke who will give a 2% coin boost.

الموقع 3

  • The Mr.Clark NPC is also located on the same Mystic Grove Island . Climb to the top of the mountain to find the NPC, as shown in the image above. He gives a 2% luck boost.

الموقع 4

  • You can find this Mr.Clark NPC on top of the lighthouse , all the way to the top. Open your map to find the location of the lighthouse.

الموقع 5

  • The next Mr.Clark NPC is in the City of Icarus , the underwater city. Here, you can find him close to the location of the Blacksmith NPC .

الموقع 6

  • This particular Mr.Clark NPC is also located in the City of Icarus but inside the Mine s. Refer to the above image to learn the exact details of the mines.

الموقع 7

  • The final Mr.Clark is at the Infinity Tower by the Water Fountain .

For more on Lootify, Check out How to find Whirlpools in Lootify – Roblox or Best Ways to quickly farm Gold in Lootify

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