كان الفصل الأول هو البداية فقط ، حيث تنتظرك الألغاز الأكثر تحديًا في DTI عيد الحب الفصل 2. لقد ولت الحديقة الوردية ، ولم تعد تحظى بمساعدة ليا آش. However, you're not entirely alone because our guide is here to help you.
Once you're in the main Dress to Impress lobby, you'll find a portal that will teleport you to the DTI Valentine's Day Quest server. There's also a heart button in the bottom-left corner, which you can click before choosing to join the Valentine's Event server.
When you spawn into the server, you should select one of the swan boats in the Chapter 2 area to start the quest. Since this chapter is slightly more challenging, you can complete it with other players or go alone.
There are a few segments for this puzzle that you'll need to complete to unlock the heart door . The first segment is to locate four hidden chests . We have already covered this step in detail in our All 4 Chest Locations in Dress To Impress Valentine's Quest article. In short, the locations of the four chests are:
You'll need to play a memory game to open two chests. Quickly look over the cards that appear and memorize them . Be careful which cards you click on because you'll only have five tries to find all the correct matches before having to start over again.
Finding the butterfly is an easier puzzle than the memory game. You have to keep your eye on the butterfly card and click on it when the cards stop shuffling. Do this three times to complete the puzzle and open the remaining two chests.
Once you return to the heart door, you'll be met with yet another memory game , but this one is significantly easier. قف في الوسط وشاهد الترتيب الذي تضيء به التماثيل بعناية قبل مطابقة ترتيب اللون هذا من خلال الاقتراب من التماثيل والنقر عليها. Do this three times until the door is unchained and opened.
Agamemnon is threatening your safety once again and you need to escape his clutches by completing an obby challenge. The floor is now lava and it's rising, so you'll need to be careful when you jump or you'll end up getting burned. There are three important things that you need to do while climbing, which are:
Once you complete both Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, you will find a reward in your wardrobe. It's a magical top and dress that fits the Valentine's Day event perfectly. Now, you can show off your cute, stylish look and get those five stars.
Congratulations, you've finished the DTI Valentine's Day Quest Chapter 2. Now it's time to get some DTI freebies via the Dress To Impress Codes.