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تطلق جميع ألعاب Gacha في عام 2025


Gacha games have become one of the most popular game genres worldwide. For players who still want to try new titles, here are the gacha games that are likely to be released in 2025.

جدول المحتويات

  • All New Gacha Games in 2025
  • Biggest Upcoming Releases
    • Arknights: Endfield
    • Persona 5: The Phantom X
    • Ananta
    • Azur Promilia
    • Neverness to Everness

All New Gacha Games in 2025

فيما يلي قائمة بجميع ألعاب Gacha التي يجب إصدارها في عام 2025. العديد منها عبارة عن IPs جديدة ، ولكن يمكنك أيضًا العثور على إدخالات جديدة للامتيازات المعمول بها.

Game Title منصة تاريخ الافراج عنه
Azur Promilia PlayStation 5 and PC أوائل 2025
Madoka Magica Magia Exedra PC and Android Spring 2025
Neverness to Everness PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Series S, PC, Android, and iOS 2025 3rd quarter
Persona 5: The Phantom X Android, iOS, and PC أواخر 2025
Etheria: Restart Android, iOS, and PC 2025
Fellow Moon Android and iOS 2025
Goddess Order Android and iOS 2025
Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link Android and iOS 2025
Arknights: Endfield Android, iOS, PlayStation 5 and PC 2025
Ananta Android, iOS, PlayStation 5 and PC 2025
Chaos Zero Nightmare Android and iOS 2025
Code Seigetsu Android, iOS, and PC 2025
Scarlet Tide: ZeroERA Android, iOS, and PC 2025

Biggest Upcoming Releases

Arknights: Endfield

Image via Hypergryph

Arknights: Endfield هي واحدة من أكثر ألعاب Gacha متوقعة لعام 2025. هذه اللعبة هي من الناحية الفنية تكملة لعبة Arknights الشهيرة في Tower Defense Mobile. Although playing the mobile game will help you understand the lore, new players can jump into Endfield immediately. لا تحتوي اللعبة على تاريخ إصدار محدد حتى الآن ، ولكن قد يتم إصدارها في عام 2025. أنهى Hypergryph مؤخرًا اختبار تجريبي في يناير 2025 ، وقد أبلغ اللاعبون عن تحسينات مختلفة مقارنة بالاختبار الفني.

Players will play as the Endministrator, but you can also recruit new members using the gacha system. وفقًا لتعليقات اللاعب حتى الآن ، فإن اللعبة صديقة للغاية F2P ، حيث يزعم الكثيرون أنه لا داعي للقلق بشأن الحصول على أسلحة عالية الجودة. Besides the usual monster fighting, you can also build bases and various structures. These bases will help you generate materials that you can use to upgrade your characters and weapons.

The story of Arknights: Endfield is set on a planet called Talos-II. Your goal is to help humanity survive as you fight against a supernatural disaster called “Erosion.” This phenomenon distorts the environment and causes strange events to occur in the affected areas. The protagonist, Endministrator, is a mysterious figure famous for helping humanity survive through various catastrophes. Your main companion is Perlica, who works as a supervisor and operator at Endfield Industries.

Related: Confessions of a Mobile Gaming Whale

Persona 5: The Phantom X

Image via Arc Games

The next big gacha game you can expect to come out in 2025 is Persona 5: The Phantom X . This game is a spin-off of the popular Persona 5 . Instead of following Joker, fans will embark on a new adventure with a new cast of characters.

The story of Persona 5: The Phantom X is still set in Tokyo and features similar gameplay to the original game. Players can still spend their days increasing stats and bonding with their allies. They can also use their time to explore hidden dungeons called the Metaverse and fight monsters called Shadows. Here, you can summon reliable allies using the gacha system, and it's also possible to recruit the original protagonist.


Image via NetEase

Another big gacha game coming in 2025 is Ananta . This game was previously called Project Mugen before being changed to Ananta . It's a Chinese game developed by Naked Rain and published by NetEase. Although it looks quite similar to Genshin Impact , the game is set in an urban environment. Players can explore various cities with unique identities and designs, such as Nova Inception Urbs, which is based on the Japanese urban style.

One unique thing about this game is that it features parkour. Besides climbing walls and jumping across rooftops, players can also use grappling hooks to traverse the city quickly. Players will take on the role of a supernatural investigator called Infinite Trigger, who often works alongside Espers. Each playable character has unique supernatural abilities that they can use to fight against Chaos.

Azur Promilia

Image via Manjuu

Azur Promilia is another gacha game made by Azur Lane 's developer, Manjuu. It's an open-world RPG set in a fantasy world. Besides collecting characters, players can also farm and mine various materials. You can also obtain rare creatures called Kibo, which can become your companion. Kibo is very useful since it can help you fight in battle and even become your mount. It can also perform various tasks such as farming, mining, and making fire.

The developer hasn't shared much about the game's story. However, the protagonist of this game is called Starborn. Your goal is to uncover the mysteries of this fantasy land while also defeating evil forces that threaten peace. Note that the game will likely only feature female playable characters.

Related: Best Games Like Genshin Impact

Neverness to Everness

Image via Hotta Studio

Neverness to Everness is one of the big gacha games set to release in 2025. Like Ananta , this game is also set in an urban environment. The combat is fairly similar to Genshin Impact and Wuthering Waves . Players can build a team of four characters but can only have one on the field at a time. Each unit has a unique kit and abilities that they can use to defeat enemies.

What makes this game unique is the mystical and horror aspect of its world. While exploring the city, you may encounter strange paranormal events. Expect to fight haunted vending machine monsters whenever you explore an abandoned alley. You can also enter dungeons where you'll face even more terrifying monsters.

The primary method of exploration is on foot, but you can also purchase vehicles like cars and motorcycles. Be careful when driving, as your vehicle can get damaged and will need to be repaired. You'll even have a store where you can sell items to earn money.

هذا هو كل ما تحتاج لمعرفته حول ألعاب Gacha الجديدة في عام 2025. هناك بالتأكيد العديد من الألقاب الواعدة التي يمكن للاعبين تجربتها ، ولكن تذكر أن تنفق أموالك بحكمة.

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