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جميع المكافآت والطبعات المسبقة للوحش هانتر وايلدز


Monster Hunter Wilds is just around the corner, so it's your last chance to get your hands on its pre-order bonuses. But is it worth rushing to put your money down? To help you decide, we'll dive into all pre-order bonuses and editions for Monster Hunter Wilds .

Which Platforms Is Monster Hunter Wilds Available On?

Monster Hunter Wilds , the latest entry in Capcom's beast-slaying series, arrives this February 28 on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PC. It won't be hitting the Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, or PlayStation 4, presumably, since those lack the power to run the game. Could it come to Nintendo Switch 2? It's possible, but Nintendo hasn't said anything to that effect.

As with previous entries, your monster slayer roams a largely open world, dispatching all manner of monsters. There are some absolutely massive beasts to deal with, too, including the deadly Uth Duna and the menacing dragon-like Rathalos. The latter is a returning monster, while the former is an all-new beast to conquer.

Every Pre-Order Bonus For Monster Hunter Wilds

If you choose to pre-order Monster Hunter Wilds before February 28, and you'll have to hurry, you'll get the following pre-order bonuses:

  • Hunter Layered Armor Set: Guild Knight
  • Talisman: Hope Charm

Capcom hasn't confirmed just what the Hope Charm does, but based on previous games, it'll give your character some kind of bonus when equipped. Will this be enough to make you a game-breaking badass? Almost certainly not, but in certain circumstances, it could give you a welcome edge.

Every Edition of Monster Hunter Wilds

So, buy the game before launch, and you get a pre-order bonus. Don't, and you could miss out on both those outfits and the charm. بسيط. ومع ذلك ، لا يزال يتعين عليك أن تقرر الإصدار الذي ستشتريه ، وهنا تصبح الأمور أكثر تعقيدًا ، خاصةً إذا كنت تريد من أي وقت مضى دراجة صياد وحش رسمية.

I'm not joking about the bike, either, though you'll need to have $1,200 lying around. These are all the different Monster Hunter Wilds editions available to pre-order.

Standard Edition ($69.99)

Available digitally and physically on console and digitally on PC, this includes the following items:

  • Monster Hunter Wilds base game
  • Pre-order content

Deluxe Edition ($89.99)

Available digitally on PC and console, this version includes:

  • Monster Hunter Wilds base game
  • Pre-order content
  • Hunter Layered Armor Set: Feudal Soldier
  • Hunter Layered Armor: Fencer's Eyepatch
  • Hunter Layered Armor: Oni Horns Wig
  • Seikret Decoration: Soldier's Caparison
  • Seikret Decoration: General's Caparison
  • Felyne Layered Armor Set: Felyne Ashigaru
  • Pendant: Avian Wind Chime
  • Gesture: Battle Cry
  • Gesture: Uchiko
  • Hairstyle: Hero's Topknot
  • Hairstyle: Refined Warrior
  • Makeup/Face Paint: Hunter's Kumadori
  • Makeup/Face Paint: Special Bloom
  • Sticker Set: Avis Unit
  • Sticker Set: Monsters of the Windward Plains
  • Nameplate: Extra Frame — Russet Dawn *Purchase Bonus

Most of those bonus items are cosmetic, so this edition won't turn you into the world's greatest monster hunter. But you'll look ever so snazzy while slaying beasts.

Premium Deluxe Edition ($109.99)

Yes, the game is getting a deluxe Deluxe Edition, called the Premium Deluxe Edition, which is available digitally on console and PC. Pay the $109.99 asking price, and you'll receive:

  • Monster Hunter Wilds base game
  • Pre-order content
  • Deluxe Edition content
  • Premium Bonus content (available at release)
    • Hunter Layered Armor: Wyverian Ears
    • Premium Bonus Hunter Profile Set
    • BGM: Proof of a Hero (2025 Recording)
  • Monster Hunter Wilds Cosmetic DLC Pack 1 (available Spring 2025)
    • Hunter layered armor: 1 series (5 pieces), and 1 piece
    • Seikret decorations: 2
    • Pendants: 6 (Color variation)
    • Pose Sets: 1
    • Makeup/Facepaint: 1
    • Sticker set: 1
    • BGM Set: 1
    • Pop-up camp customization contents: 2
  • Monster Hunter Wilds Cosmetic DLC Pack 2 (available Summer 2025)
    • Hunter layered armor: 1 series (5 pieces)
    • Pendants: 6 (Color variation)
    • Gesture sets: 2
    • Hairstyles: 2
    • Makeup/Facepaint: 2
    • Sticker set: 1

على الرغم من أن هذه الإصدارات ستكون متوفرة في الغرب ، ستصدر Capcom أيضًا اثنين من إصدارات Collector's Collector من Monster Hunter Wilds . However, they're currently only confirmed to be available in Japan:

Collector's Edition ($68)

  • Fluffy Seikret plush
  • Weapon bag
  • كتاب الصلب

The cheapest option, $68, just includes the steelbook, bag, and plush. You'll have to pay more for a higher tier if you want the actual game, assuming you can find someone to forward it to you outside of Japan. We have seen the $68 game-less edition listed on a few websites, but shipping is around $30, making it close to $100. Yes, that Seikret plush is utterly adorable, but is it $100 worth of adorable? هذا متروك لك.

Ultra Collector's Edition ($1,140)

  • Monster Hunter Wilds base game
  • Pre-order content
  • Fluffy Seikret plush
  • Weapon bag
  • كتاب الصلب
  • Monster Hunter Wilds Secret Folding Bicycle

Yes, that's right; you can buy a version of the game that comes with a bike, but, despite the price, without the Deluxe Edition DLC. سيتم إرسال الدراجة بشكل منفصل ، في حوالي أبريل 2025. وعلى الرغم من أنها جميلة هناك ، فإنها ليست أغرب طبعة جامع رأيناها على الإطلاق. THQ/Volition still takes that honor for the $1,000,000 Saints Row IV Wad Wad Edition.

Is it worth it? That would depend on how discerning a biker you are. The bike is a Dahon K9X, and you can buy the same model for around $870 in Japan. Dahon also has a US website, and while they don't sell that precise model stateside, there are several comparable models price-wise.

بغض النظر عن الحالة ، لا يشحن متجر Capcom في اليابان على المستوى الدولي ، لذلك إذا كنت ترغب في ذلك ، فسيتعين عليك أن تأمل أن يصل إلى الغرب (الذي يبدو غير مرجح قليلاً) أو يرتب لشخص ما لشرائه ثم شحنك أولاً للعبة والأشياء الأصغر وبعد ذلك الدراجة. لديك أيضًا خيار دفع المزيد مقابل إصدارات الإصدار من Collector's Edition و Ultra Collector التي تشمل Deluxe أو Premium DLC.

What Have the Early Reactions to Monster Hunter Wilds Been Like?

Reviews aren't here just yet, but there has been a Monster Hunter Wilds beta and several outlets have previewed the game. Much of the coverage has been positive. Here are a few snippets from the various previews:

IGN: "إن مجموعة متنوعة رائعة من الوحوش في Monster Hunter Wilds ، سواء في المظهر أو السلوك ، والبيئات التي رأيتها لها الكثير من الاهتمام بالتفاصيل بحيث يكون من الواضح مدى رعاية المطورين في السلسلة".

PCGAMESN: "حتى الآن ، يعد Monster Hunter Wilds تطورًا أكثر من الثورة - ولكن بالنظر إلى أن العالم كان لعبة جيدة ، فهذه هي الخطوة الصحيحة تمامًا."

Eurogamer: “Monster Hunter Wilds cuts out the clunk – and plays like the most streamlined, beginner-friendly entry yet.”

GamesRadar: “In just 30 minutes, Monster Hunter Wilds sold me on the action-RPG series I've never played.”

IGN's preview is the most recent and it states that the game “…performed significantly better than the Open Beta Test.” As collated in this Reddit thread, players had some performance problems, so it's good to know those have been addressed.

From what these outlets have said, it sounds as if Monster Hunter Wilds could be a riot. The consensus is that it innovates just enough to keep things fresh, but not enough to alienate long-time fans. إذا كنت لا تزال على السياج ، فيمكنك تجربته بنفسك ، لأن هناك بيتا أخرى مفتوحة تحدث هذا الشهر ، في الفترة من 7 إلى 10 فبراير و 14 إلى 17 فبراير.

Those are all pre-order bonuses and editions for Monster Hunter Wilds , but you'll need to hurry if you want to snag them.

The above article was updated on 2/3/2025 by the original author to include additional information about Monster Hunter Wilds.

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