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Marvel Rivals Season 1 Best Duelist Tier List


Winning a game in Marvel Rivals is always a team effort. Very rarely can one player be the difference between coming out victorious and losing. However, damage players don't see it that way, wanting to focus on racking up stats. So, here's the best Duelist tier list for Marvel Rivals .

Best Duelist Tier List for Marvel Rivals

D-Tier Duelists

D-Tier Duelists in Marvel Rivals
Black Widow and Storm

Unless players take a trip to the training area, it's hard to get a read on Black Widow and Storm because they rarely show up in online matches. The reason these heroes rarely get chosen is because they have similar skill sets to other characters but fail to stand out. Sure, Black Widow can hit hard from a distance, but she struggles in close-quarters combat, which makes her limited. Storm, meanwhile, has a nice ability that boosts her teammates, yet she rarely leaves an impact in the damage department.

C-Tier Duelists

C-Tier Duelists in Marvel Rivals
Iron Man, Star-Lord, Squirrel Girl, Black Panther, and Scarlet Witch

While the Duelists in this tier struggle for a variety of reasons, they all have an upside. تركز كل من Iron Man و Star-Lord و Squirrel Girl على المقذوفات ، والتي يمكن أن تكون أكثر ضربًا أو تفوت ، ولكن إذا كان هدف اللاعب صحيحًا ، فقد يكون فعالًا للغاية ، خاصة مع تحركاته النهائية.

Scarlet Witch is sort of in that same category, and she can deal a lot of damage when she latches onto an enemy player. However, this playstyle leaves her vulnerable, especially when tanks are around. أخيرًا ، على الرغم من أن Black Panther هو خيار قوي لشخص يفهم محركه ، إلا أنه ليس مفيدًا مثل بعض المقاتلين الآخرين في اللعبة.

B-Tier Duelists

B-Tier Duelists in Marvel Rivals
Punisher, Moon Knight, Wolverine, Namor, Mister Fantastic, and Winter Soldier

هذه هي المجموعة الأولى من المبارزة التي من المحتمل أن تبقي اللاعبين في الليل خلال منافسي Marvel الموسم الأول. Punisher و Winter Soldier و Namor و Moon Knight لا يختلفون ، باستخدام التوقعات لتخليص معظم الأضرار. However, they all also become scary when backed into a corner. Sure, their mobility leaves a bit to be desired, but there are far worse damage choices.

Wolverine is another scrapper in Marvel Rivals , as he excels in close-quarters combat. There's nothing worse for a player than getting separated from their team and having the iconic X-Man make a beeline for them. Finally, while Mister Fantastic is a newer character in the game, his moveset is unique and makes him feel a lot like a tank.

Related: 10 Most Annoying Marvel Rivals Heroes

A-Tier Duelists

A-Tier Marvel Rivals Duelists
Magik, Spider-Man, Psylocke, and Iron Fist

Seeing one of these Duelists on the battlefield will make Marvel Rivals players want to head back to the lobby. يتمتع Magik و Psylocke بالكثير من أوجه التشابه ، على الرغم من أن المسوخ الياباني لديه قدرة أفضل بكثير على الحركة ، ومن السهل معرفة سبب اختيار العديد من اللاعبين. Magik packs quite a punch with her massive sword, while Psylocke uses smaller yet still very effective blades as her weapon of choice.

What neither of those heroes have, though, is Iron Fist's ability to overwhelm enemies. يعرف كل المبارزات والاستراتيجيين الرئيسيين ما إذا كان Iron Fist قادمًا ، أو يجب عليهم الخروج من الطريق بسرعة ، وإلا فإنهم يتعرضون لخطر الاضطرار إلى التنفس. The same applies to Spider-Man, who can head to the enemy's backline and take out a couple of characters before anyone knows what happened.

S-Tier Duelists

S-Tier Marvel Rivals Duelists
Hawkeye and Hela

Despite being nerfed as part of the Season 1 update, Hela still remains one of the best Duelists in Marvel Rivals ' roster. On top of her regular abilities, which hit really hard, her Ultimate move leaves very few alive. It's difficult to avoid, and it doesn't help that her health never seems to go down during it.

Hawkeye is a major boom-or-bust character, mostly because he relies on projectiles to do damage. However, if players are able to hit their shots with the Avenger, there's no better way to change the outcome of a game. It doesn't matter if there's one enemy player left on the point or three – Hawkeye will send them running.

And that's the best Duelist tier list for Marvel Rivals Season 1.

Marvel Rivalsis متوفر الآن على PS5 و PC و Xbox Series X | S.

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