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كيفية الحصول على وحدة سرية متقاعد قاتل ساكاموتو في أنيمي من جديد


With the latest update to Anime Reborn, a new secret unit has been added to the roster. This unit is none other than the Retired Assassin Sakamoto from the popular anime series Sakamoto Days. But, since it's a secret unit, most wouldn't know how to acquire it. So, to help you with that, here's everything you need to know about the Retired Assassin Sakamoto in Anime Reborn.

كيفية الحصول على وحدة سرية متقاعد قاتل ساكاموتو في أنيمي من جديد

  • How to get: Summon from Regular Banner
  • Drop Chance: 0.01% Probability to Summon

As mentioned above, you can only get the Secret Unit Retired Assasin Sakamoto from the regular summon banner. It doesn't appear as a featured unique, because of its secret rarity, but has a 0.01% chance to drop on each summon.

Do note, there is no guaranteed drop for this unit , so you have to be extremely lucky in order to pull him. This secret unit replaced Rimuru, which was the previous secret unit that was acquired from summoning on the regular gem banners. So, try to summon him before he is replaced.

Retired Assassin Sakamoto Passive Skill

While not much is known about this secret unit, few details have been confirmed by the community, such as this secret unit's passive. القاتل المتقاعد ساكاموتو السلبي هو أنه يتعامل مع 2x (مزدوج) من الأضرار التي لحقت بأقرب وحدتها ، والتي تشير إلى أنه رائع في التعامل مع أعداء الهدف الواحد وحتى الزعماء. Do note that he's only limited to two placements.

At first glance, you might think that Sakamoto is worth summoning. لا سيما بسبب ندرةه العالية والسلبية الهدف المفرد ، فإن Sakamoto مثالي للاعبين الذين يفتقرون إلى DPS من طراز Boss أو واحد مستهدف لفريقهم.

لمعرفة المزيد عن Reborn anime ، تحقق من كيفية الحصول على Tanjiro في أنيمي Reborn - Roblox أو كيفية الحصول على Aizen وتطوره في أنيمي Reborn on Pro Game Guides!

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