الرئيسية المقالات

ما هي الطفرة المرصعة في فيش وكيفية فتحها


Along with the Brick rod, the developers of Fisch have also added a new mutation to the game called Studded. Unlike other mutations, this is an extremely valuable mutation that can literally allow you to make money out of thin air if appropriately used. So, here is a detailed explanation of the Studded Mutation and how to unlock it.

The Studded Mutation In Fisch, Explained

Basically, anything you catch with the Brick Rod will provide you with the Studded Mutation that increases its value by twice . نعم ، هذه هي ميزة الطفرة المرصعة ، والتي تتيح لك كسب المال بسرعة أكبر ، حيث يمكنك بيع حتى أبسط الأسماك بضعف قيمتها. Speaking about the appearance, all of the fish with the Studded Mutation will look like they are made out of brick and resemble a LEGO piece. To conclude, you need the Brick Rod in Fisch to get the Studded Mutation.

كيفية الحصول على قضيب الطوب في فيش

Acquiring the Brick Rod is a lengthy process in Fisch, but let me briefly explain it to you.

  • Step 1 : Collect the three Bricks items at the locations - Roslit Bay (-2032, 493, 394) , Ancient Isle (5940, 265, 900) & The Depths (991, -731, 1141) on the server.
  • الخطوة 2 : تجهيز العنوان الصحيح لشخصيتك من ما يلي - هاكاري الحقيقي ، فيجيلانتي ، سيدة البحر ، انقرضت ، وإله البحار (يتغير البلاط كل ساعة واحدة ، وفي وقت كتابة هذا المقال ، كان هذا المقال)
  • Step 3 : Get the Code on the Wall of the Trident Temple near the Trident Rod in Desolate Deep.
  • Step 4 : Go to the Harvester's Spike X: -1285.4, Y: 140, Z: 1530, and stand near the Orange Tree.
  • Step 5: During the nighttime of Summer, use a Smokescreen Totem to spawn the Minish NPC.
  • Step 6 : Type in the code from the Trident Temple into the chat box and then talk with the Minish NPC to teleport to the Brick Rod room.
  • Step 7 : Pay C$13,337, and you will get the rod.

For more on Fisch, How to get all items in Roblox Fisch (Locations) or All 5 Secret Fishes in Fisch (Atlantis Update) – Roblox

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