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Southern Homes
التطبيق الرسمي:
Since 1991 Southern Homes has been providing affordable, quality-packed, energy efficient new homes to families across Central Florida.
Southern Homes has deep roots in Polk County. موظفوهم يعيشون ويعملون هنا. يحضر أطفالهم المدارس المحلية ويشارك أسرهم في الكنائس المحلية والمنظمات المجتمعية. Southern Homes has a profound commitment to the area and its success.
Over the past 22 years Southern Homes has built brand new homes throughout Polk County, Central Florida and is currently constructing new homes for local families on their own land and in the following areas:
• شمال ليكلاند
• جنوب ليكلاند
• بارتو
• أوبورنديل
• الشتاء هافن
• بحيرة ويلز
• مدينة هينز
Southern Homes has thrived during the recent economic downturn because of their ability to remain agile and make the necessary changes to remain competitive in the ever evolving housing market. Southern Homes has outperformed their local market by adding new products and updating their current product offerings, improving the available loan programs and down payment assistance programs for their buyers, improving internal processes and procedures to ensure the lowest costs with the highest possible profits, and by purchasing land in good locations and a great price. Southern Homes was able to grow its market share by over 600% from 2006 through 2012 (from 2.23% to 16.82%) without sacrificing margins and net profits.
Southern Homes has many unique selling propositions (USPs) that have helped them maintain their position of market leader. وتشمل هذه USPS:
• برنامج تخصيص MyHome Myway حيث قد يقوم المشترون بإجراء تعديلات على منازلهم خطط لجعلها حقًا فريدة من نوعها
• مواقع مجتمع ممتازة
• خدمة العملاء المتميزة ، وحصل على تصنيف رائع لعميل "يوصي" بنسبة 99.0 ٪ في عام 2012.
• الارتفاعات المنزلية مع أفضل جاذبية لقيمة القيمة
• أفضل قوة مبيعات مدربة تصل إلى 19.6 ٪ في عام 2012
• القدرة على مساعدة المشترين في احتياجات إصلاح الائتمان الخاصة بهم
Southern Homes is a marketing powerhouse. لقد وصل الأمر إلى عالم المبيعات عبر الإنترنت إلى أعلى مستوى للغاية ، حيث حقق 55 ٪ من المبيعات عبر الإنترنت في عام 2012.
Southern Homes is well poised to take advantage of the improving housing market attributed to the company's financial stability, has strong leadership, has many team members with several years of continuous service in the company and has a proven track record for operational excellence.
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