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An interactive reading experience where you choose what happens next.

Army Soldier You Decide will entertain and amuse you. The absence of fancy graphics… of any graphics… means that you’ll get to use your imagination to become fully immersed in an exciting military story.

You’ll be the main character, taking charge of some of the worst and least reliable soldiers being sent all over the world on certain death missions. By making the right choices you’ll get to save your butt and keep the rest of the world safe in their beds!

After each page of the story you’ll get two options. Sometimes the wrong option will kill you, other times you’ll get to take the story in a different direction. You’re the one that gets to make the decisions.


Get annoyed with stories in games that don’t have interesting stories?

Want to read more but get bored with long stories that don’t grab your attention?

Wish that there was a bit more comedy when you’re playing games?

Like to use your imagination to be transported into crazy situations?

Want to read stories that make you laugh?

Wish that you could be in the middle of a crazy army soldier story?

Then this app is definitely for you!


I used to play games and put them down after a few minutes because I got bored with the story. Then I wondered if I could make my own stories - and that’s how You Decide Games was born!

You Decide Games are a true indie developer. Made in a spare bedroom and without any budget, they’re great stories without any bells and whistles. If you like to immersive storytelling and apps that won’t take up all of your memory then you’ll love You Decide Games.


Play this app and you’ll be 6 inches taller, be 5 pounds lighter, be more attractive to the opposite sex and your IQ will increase 20 points. Oh. Actually. None of these things will happen.

But you will get to read a story that is full of action and will keep you interested all the way along. It won’t change your life but it will give you a few laughs and will help you pass the time before you start doing something productive with your life!


This game isn’t meant to be a real-life army simulation. It’s not realistic and there’s probably quite a few technical details about the army that are just plain wrong. That’s not what this story is about, it’s purely meant to be entertaining and fun.

There’s also some pretty fruit language and violent imagery - so please don’t allow your children to download the game. It has a high maturity rating - only download this game if you’re not easily offended.

If you’re wanting to have a more realistic experience then I would recommend you actually sign up to the army - they’re always needing fresh meat!


This game is completely free, so you can download it and it won’t cost you a penny. Sure there are adverts in the game but they’re discreet and you don’t have to click on them if you don’t want to.

If you don’t like it you can just delete it off your device. All you’ll have lost is a few minutes of reading - and who doesn’t want to do more reading?


If you’ve read right down to the bottom then you must be pretty interested. Do your eyeballs a favor and download this awesome app!

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