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Screen notes that grab your attention

A unique home screen note Widget App! When you place a Note on your screen with this app the screen note automatically changes colors periodically! Your screen notes and reminders will always grab your attention.

"I use Attention Grabber Note Widget because it actually helps me pay attention to the note and reminds me of its message." - Jessica Cam Wong (makeuseof.com)

How it works:

Do you put screen note widgets on your home screen to remind you of something? After a while the screen note disappears from your awareness because your brain gets use to the color and position of the screen note. This is called Brain Adaptation. You actually stop seeing the note causing the message you are trying to keep in mind to become lost in the background.

Attention Notes solves this problem by randomly changing the text and background colors of your screen notes. The changing colors of the note will grab your attention causing you to take notice of it.


- 420 different text and background color combinations

- 12 different widget sizes: 1x1, 2x1, 2x2, 3x1, 3x2, 3x4, 4x1, 4x2, 4x4, 5x5, 6x5, and re-sizable

- Ability to cycle between multiple screen notes in the same screen widget! Four notes are allowed in the Ad-Support version. Unlimited notes are allowed with an in-app purchase

- 11 different time durations between changes: 1 minute, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, - 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24, 48 hours, and randomly between 6 and 24 hours

- Choice of different fonts

- Does not use any long running services. Uses the Android Alarm Manager. Thus, will not affect battery life.

- No nosy or intrusive permissions

Permissions description:

- USB Storage: Need to write and read backups on your sdcard

- Network access: Needed to facilitate in-app purchases and advertisements

- Google Play billing service: Needed for in-app purchases

If you have any question, comments, suggestions, or are having issues using this application please send us an email at:

[email protected]

Ideas for use:

- Priorities reminders

- To do reminders

- Goals reminders

- Motivation quotes

- Encourage new habits by keeping them on the top of your mind

- Religious/Spiritual quotes

- Personal mission statement

- Personal mantra

- Affirmations

- Declarations

- Gratitude list

- New Year's resolutions

What's New in the Latest Version 6 (20.08_02)

Last updated on Sep 7, 2020 Bug fixes

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