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  • Battle of Bulge (turn-limit)

    Battle of Bulge (turn-limit)

    8.2 2024-12-04
    Card Strategy

Highly rated turn-based strategy board game: Battle of Bulge 1944

This is turn-limited version of Battle of the Bulge, a turn based strategy game set on the Western Front during the Second World War.

The historical battle took place in December 1944 in Ardennes, Belgium, where American forces fought against a large German offensive. It was the largest land battle of World War II in which the United States directly participated.

In the game, you are in control of the US armed forces and command American infantry, airborne and armored divisions. Your first task is to survive the initial German onslaught, known as the Ardennes Offensive, while keeping your divisions in fighting order. After regrouping, you must contain the German attack and prevent the enemy from reaching Brussels, as this would allow them a route to the strategic port city of Antwerp. Once you have stopped the enemy offensive, push back the German units and destroy as many as possible.

Full paid version available at the store

What's New in the Latest Version

Last updated on Sep 23, 2023 + Added Panzer Brigade 150 unit type (Operation Greif). Unit partly uses Allied uniforms and vehicles, so it consumes MPs from the closest Allied unit due to confusion
+ Revamped movement arrows
+ Setting: Alter how strongly hexagon grid is drawn
+ Artillery can now use MPs to prepare for the barrage to make it more efficient
+ Setting: Scattered Units marked with symbols
+ Setting: Make support units to be at higher or lower initial selection priority
+ HOF cleanup
+ 40 UNDOs

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