Quick reference for Battle Procedure, Reports & Returns, Ranges and much more.
Battle Procedure is a well established military process used to receive orders, make a plan and execute a mission.
Proper Battle Procedure is a key element to successful command.
This Aide Memoire provides a simple, intuitive interface and puts the entire Battle Procedure planning process at your fingertips.
Also included:
• Reports & Returns
• Range practices (E.G. C7 PWT 3)
• Map Symbols
• Mission Task Verbs
• Operations (section attack, patrolling, etc.)
• Many common reference lists
*** This is a consolidation of information from various sources - in case of disagreement, the B-GL-300-001/FP-001 (LAND OPERATIONS) and B-GL-331-002/FP-001 (STAFF DUTIES FOR LAND OPERATIONS) shall take precedence ***
NOTE: BattlePro is a private endeavour and is not connected with any military or government organizations or projects.
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