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Best free Live Wallpaper for Your Android Mobile Phone

Beer Live Wallpaper is a refreshing new app for all beer lovers that will soothe all your senses! Just imagine the ice cold bottle of beer with white foam sliding down – a stunning sight, isn't it? The rich aroma and taste will lure you at once – the thick white foam will give you the sensation of drinking the most luxurious and most expensive ale ever made! If you are a fan of ale, decorate your screen with a beer keg, or a cool “beer glass” of dark beer and enjoy in a hot summer day! Raise your glass to one of the best free apps for Android™ and have fun with all ten amazing “Beer backgrounds”! Cheers!

♛ Cool “Beer LWP “ will be ideal for your new smartphone!

♛ Beautify your screen with the coolest beer bubbles!

♛ Find your favorite among the cool backgrounds inspired by the tasty and refreshing alcoholic beverage!

♛ These high definition beer pictures will enchant you!

♛ Full support for landscape mode and home-screen switching!

♛ Enjoy this free and fun “live wallpaper”!

Follow the installation instructions:

Home -> Menu -> Wallpapers -> Live Wallpapers

♛ You can choose from several different themes.

♛ HD graphics and open GL.

♛ Optimized Battery Usage.

♛ Compatible with 99% mobile phone devices.

♛ The wallpaper application will sleep when your phone is inactive, so this cool wallpaper will not drain your battery.

♛ “Beer Live Wallpaper” fully supports horizontal orientation and looks amazing on tablet devices as well as on mobile phones.

Bottoms up! Are you a fan of “beer pong” and all the other fun drinking games? If that is the case, this is one of the coolest “HD wallpapers” that would be ideal for you. Get this free download and let these delicious looking brand new free screensavers blow your mind! With “Beer Live Wallpaper” you get to enjoy a glass of malt liquor wherever you are! Have you had a hard week? Are you in a mood for a cool beer house or an Irish pub? If that is the case, get a beer mug after work and chill – this desktop wallpaper will remind you that weekend is just around the corner. All true connoisseurs of the lager beer have their favorite brand – why should you settle for just any high definition wall paper? Get the best Android wallpaper inspired by the yummy ale, completely free of charge and always have a pint of the refreshing ale with you and on your new mobile phone!

Refresh your phone or tablet with the newest background wallpaper, sit back and enjoy the majestic sight of the sweet alcoholic drinks in glasses or bottles. Gaze at the cool water drops tricking down the cool glass, while the bubbles float across your smartphones! “Beer bottles” and “craft beer” never seemed as tempting as with each “Beer background! Have fun with the interactive features this free LWP offers and enjoy the sip of this alcoholic drink anytime. The HD images of a freshly brewed ale will instantly put a smile on your face – take a shot with one of the best cool wallpapers and you will not regret it! Grab a pint of one of the most famous drinks in the world and forget about all your troubles with these HD backgrounds!This amazing free application will remind you to keep calm at all times and drink beers! Raise your glass to get the party started and bottoms up!

* Android is a trademark of Google Inc.

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