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  • Bottle feeding baby

    Bottle feeding baby

    8.6 8.2.0 2025-03-07
    Casual Intelligence

Play Bottle feeding games for girls

Hey, we all know that parents are very important in our lives but the mother has a special role. She is the one who gives life and nothing can be compared with any another kind of love. Mother-child relationship is important, it is special and involves many things. Since birth the child feels that he needs certain needs such as: hunger, sleep, need to be held, to be rocked, need to listen to what his mom is saying, what she sings. These things are very important and can influence the life of an adult. You definitely understand why babies need their mother, in this kids game you will meet a mother who has a baby. You will be using this game to help mother to care his son.

The game is simple, all you have to do is to pay attention to detail and respect instructions.

The baby you'll find in his room, he starts crying and his mother will come very soon to see what happens. You have to wrap the baby in a blanket and place him in the arms of his mother.

When he begins to cry you have to give a bottle with milk and his favorite toy. The child is quiet now, you had very good care of him. All your attention was focused on his care.

After you have taken care of baby you have to do and room decoration, you must paint the bedroom walls, you have to choose colorful drapes and choose a few toys.

You are a child all too responsible and thank you for taking care of him, the baby's mother is happy that today you were helpful. You can come back every day to take care of this baby through this baby care game baby.

Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose and other girls games, games for girls to see if you're doing as well as you did before.

Enjoy this game!

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