HomeGamesCard Strategy

On-the-go party game for those long waits in theme park lines or long road trips

This is a card game for you and small group of friends. When you start, you will be given a word or a category and one of the following subject areas: Song Lyrics , Song Title , Movie Quote , Movie Title , TV Show Quote, TV Show Title , or Book Title

Assign each player (or team) a color. There are six, so you shouldn't run out.

When someone gets an answer right, meaning they've managed to convince the rest of the players, tap that person's color at the bottom of the screen to award them a point.

You get to decide when to draw the next card. There are no hard and fast rules. It's just for fun after all.

If you play it in public, you may just find people around you making their own suggestions and wanting to join in the fun.

That's really all there is to it. Go forth and have fun!

What's New in the Latest Version 1.1.0

Last updated on Sep 30, 2017 Automatically save game scores between executions.
Added New Game feature.
Improved instructions.
Improved game card layout.
Upgraded framework for improved security.
Fixed layout on smaller screens.
Added Privacy Policy, Terms, and Acknowledgements.

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