Calculator! Colors! and most Important Widget!All Together!!!!!
A Calculator with great Personalization features and also include Beautiful Wdiget.
- Evaluate arithmetic expressions like 2 * (3 - 4^6) / (3 - 2)
- Store results and expressions into History List
- Customize your calculator Layout with different color combinations
- Choose different background color and Text color
- 12 Colors to choose from for Calculator buttons
- 12 Colors to choose from for Background
- 12 Colors to choose from for Text Color
Widget also comes with great features
- Semi-Transparent design fits greatly with your home screen
- 10 Different colors to choose from
- 10 Different text colors
- You can choose the Widget Color and Text Color at the time of adding Widget to home screen
Tips to use:
- Clicking on upper part of the screen takes to Calculator History Screen (Menu option also available for this)
- Clicking on an History item takes back to Calculator with the Result, So an old result can be used again
- History can be clear from Option menu
- Caluclator style (Colors) can be changed from menu button "Calculator Styles"
- Clicking on Widget result screen takes to main Calculator Application
- Widget looks great on Tablets as well
Please don't forget to leave your ratings and feedback!!!!!
If you like this application please check our other app "Calculator+Widget(Colors) Pro", which has more options for widget like non transparent widget is added in that and more updates coming soon.
Tags: Calculator, Colorful, Widget, Memory, History
Various Bug Fixes:
-Large calculations are now showing correctly on widget and main calculator both
-Widget size should not become small on high resolution screens like Galaxy S 3, (multiple screen size support added)
If you like this application please check our other app "Calculator+Widget(Colors) Pro", which has non-transparent widget added.
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