Surprise Your Friends in the Permanent Markings "Swarm".
“ Check-In Every Day ” is an application that allows you to organize a schedule of marks in “SWARM”. Create and edit your Chekin schedule, automate the marks.
How to create your Chekins?
- Enter “Foursquare” / “Swarm” under your account or create a new account;
- Select one of the neighboring places or use the search;
- Install the schedule settings - the interval between the marks and the duration of the marks in this place;
- Everything is ready: the place has been added and the first mark in this place has already been made. Now you can start watching the history of automatic Chekines.
How to edit Chekin's schedule?
- go into the checks of Chekins;
- Click and hold your finger in the place you want to edit;
- In the menu that appears, you can delete a place from the schedule or restart the marks in this place.
- When restarting the Chekin schedule, the program will ask about your preferences as when creating a schedule.
Hooray! Now everything works! Improving with your schedule of Chekins, but do not forget that too frequent marks can bother your friends;)
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