Compare flight, hotel and rental car offers with the checkfelix travel app
checkfelix searches hundreds of travel websites so you can sit back and relax. Find the cheapest flights, hotels and car rentals. Save money with in-app offers and Private Deals. With checkfelix Trips you can organize all your travel plans in just one place. Stay up-to-date on price changes, get real-time flight updates, view terminal maps and check security wait times. The prices are compared from more than 700 airlines, e.g. Austrian Airlines and Lufthansa, but also from low-cost providers such as Fly Niki and Germanwings. checkfelix is the only app you need to plan, book and manage your trip.
SEARCH: Find cheap flights, hotels and rental cars
• Save with private deals and exclusive offers in the app.
• Book easily and securely through the app without having to re-enter your travel dates and credit card information.
• Choose destination from flexible dates to know when is the best time to fly.
• Filter search results by stopovers, airlines, departure times, amenities and more. • Find the right time to book. Thanks to the price prediction you will know if flight prices change. The price forecast shows you the flight price changes over the last 90 days.
• Do you have travel plans but don't know where to go yet? With the dealfinder you can set your maximum budget for flight prices and we will show you all the suitable destinations.
TRIPS: Your personal travel planner
• Manage your travel plans in one place - no matter where you booked.
• Book on checkfelix or forward your booking confirmations to [email protected] to add them to a trip. Alternatively, you can automatically import your booking confirmations from your Gmail account.
• Get real-time updates on flight status, gates and baggage claim.
• Get information about the expected waiting time at the security checkpoint.
• Find your way around the airport by navigating to the gate.
• Discover shops, duty free shops, restaurants, cafes, charging stations for your mobile devices and much more. Check out photos of the locations and see if you can find them before or after security.
• Countdown timers inform you of your flight progress and the remaining time of your stopover.
• Share your travel plans with family and friends.
• No Internet connection? No problem, thanks to the offline function to view your itinerary and terminal maps.
PRICE ALERT: Never miss the best offers
• We will do the search for you. Create a flight or hotel price alert and hear from us when prices change.
• You don't know where to go yet? Create a price alert for top cities or specific regions and set your destination based on the best deal.
FLIGHT STATUS: Always stay up to date
• Find out if your flight departs or lands on time.
• View the aircraft's current position on the map.
• Track the flight status of family and friends by flight number or airline.
You can find more travel tips, useful tools and lots of information in our blog:
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