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  • Chess Sudoku = AjedroKu

    Chess Sudoku = AjedroKu

    9.3 1.0.5 2024-12-19
    Card Strategy

Besides traditional 9x9 Sudokus including a new variant 8x8 with 4 zones

Besides traditional 9x9 Sudokus numbers, including a new variant 8x8 with 4 zones instead of three making it more difficult to resolve. 8x8 Here you can choose the 'odd / even' variant, which helps a lot because in each zone can only be odd or even numbers.

The numbers 1 to 9 may be substituted for chess pieces, selecting graphics mode. The concept 'even / odd', with chess pieces, it becomes 'white pieces / black pieces'.

The 8x8 variant is specially dedicated to chess enthusiasts.

Problems 8x8 without the condition "Odd / Even" by area, are usually much more difficult to solve than the 9x9, 2x2 since the areas are less strong constraint that 3x3 areas. In contrast, the 8x8 condition "Odd / Even" are the easiest to solve.

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