Bomb Chrono 'Bomb of the Year!
With Chrono Bomb ', relive the biggest scenes of action films! Your mission: defuse the bomb!
This augmented reality application will confront you with two secret agent games, which will open up randomly:
- For your first mission, you will need to memorize 5 color wires. It will then be necessary to find them among 10 wires and cut them! You have 3 trials! An help button allows you to review the colors for a few seconds. If you fail, the bomb explodes!
Be careful, defuse the application of the application does not defuse the real bomb of the game Chrono Bomb '.
- Your second mission is to find the secret code to defuse another bomb. To do this, a revealing fingerprint brush will help you find the 3 digits to use. It is then up to you to put them in the right order to find the code!
The world is counting on you!
Information :
This augmented reality game is part of the Chrono Bomb 'board game. It activates thanks to a special card available in the game box and on the following link:
The Chono Bomb 'application is played without a helmet or earpiece.
Supports compatible with the application:
O HTC/Google Nexus One
o Motorola Droid
o Samsung Galaxy S
o Samsung Nexus S
o Samsung Galaxy S 2
o Samsung Galaxy S 3
o Samsung Galaxy Tab
o Motorola Xoom MZ604
Operating systems required to launch the application
Supported minimum bone versions:
o Android 4.0+
Supported minimum hardware requirements:
O CPU: 1 GHz Dual Core
o RAM: 1 GB
O GPU: Powervr SGX 530 / Adreno 200 / Tegra 250 / Mali-400
*** also try our other Dujardin games! ***
The thousand terminals® and pigs that laughs ®
If you encounter problems with the Chrono Bomb 'application, please write to: [email protected].
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