Colorado Roads
Colorado Roads has the most accurate data about what’s happening on Colorado’s highways in real-time.
Quite simply, we want to help you get to where you need to go quickly and safely as you travel throughout the beautiful state of Colorado.
Our App is refreshed / updated frequently with the most up-to-date travel information available so be sure to check in regularly.
What You Get
Colorado Roads will provide travelers with:
•speeds and travel times
•road conditions
•incidents and road closures
•road work to include construction and maintenance activities
•and data from Colorado Roads's closed circuit television cameras
All available in real-time -- and based upon your location.
The information Colorado Roads provides on Colorado Roads is enhanced with data from:
•weather data from Weather Underground
•directional maps from Google
•as well as offers and deals from businesses near you
All in an effort to provide you with the most complete travel data.
Your Privacy is Important to Us
Colorado Roads Mobile will NOT:
•make available any of your personal information
•sell any of your personal data
•transmit your location outside of your device
Your data is analyzed only in aggregate and used only for the purposes of improving and enhancing the features and performance of the application.
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