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  • Come Into My Car

    Come Into My Car

    7.3 2024-10-25
    Newsletter Social

Application to make new meetings (CLOSED)


Hello everyone, the last hosting down period led us to the decision we had been thinking about for some time but that we didn't have the courage to undertake, that is to unplug this service. Unfortunately the maintenance and development costs were higher than the donations and seeing the service used by people who abused it (with fake profiles or for profit) was demotivating ...

We thank those who have donated even just 1 euro in recent years.



Are you eager to make new friends? What better way than driving around looking for people who share your passion?

This application allows you to find users in your area based on your and their preferences or interesting places, always in full respect of your privacy: no personal information will be used to identify you.

No registration is necessary: ​​just enter an alias, who you are and who you are looking for and you will be immediately in contact with others. On the map, simple icons will show the people closest to you, with which you can start chatting by simply pressing on the speech bubble (all messages are encrypted and no one will be able to spy on you). In addition, some of the most popular hangouts in your area will be shown.

Upon exiting the application, no notification will be sent to you and you will no longer be traceable.


The use of this application is the total responsibility of the user, who guarantees that he is of age and that he wishes to use this application exclusively for lawful and legal purposes.

Any abuse, harassment or irregularity will cause the immediate blocking of the service and possibly, in the most serious cases, a report to the police.

The user is also aware that his IP, id and data are kept on our servers exclusively for legal protection in case of abuse by the user and that they will not be disclosed to anyone.

Any damage to people and / or things due to any incorrect use of the application will not be considered to be the responsibility of the developer but the responsibility of the user.

If you do not believe you want to accept these rules, you will not be allowed to use the application.

What's New in the Latest Version

Last updated on Sep 25, 2019 MOD: Migliorato il tempo per lo scambio dei messaggi

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