Find your next job today
Getting a new job is easier than you think. We prove it to you: look for your next job whenever and wherever you want with the leading job board in Latin America. Choose from the thousands of job offers and vacancies that are published daily on Computrabajo and apply easily and comfortably from your phone.
Download the Computrabajo app for free and find your next job today.
Choose the country where you want to look for a job and work, upload your Curriculum Vitae (CV) online and start applying. Thousands of companies may be looking for a profile like yours.
You can choose from more than half a million job and employment offers in the most visited network of job portals in Latin America, with presence in 19 countries: Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Uruguay, Paraguay, Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Cuba and Puerto Rico.
If you don't have it yet, register your Curriculum Vitae (CV) for free at Computrabajo and start applying today for the best job offers and job advertisements in your country.
Search job offers and notices
Filter job offers in the application according to location and position or professional area, and you will see those that best suit your work profile.
View all the details of the job offer in the app, such as, for example, the job description, salary or the requirements requested by the company, among other details.
Apply to job offers quickly and easily
Applying for a job offer has never been so simple. Don't miss the job of your life, wherever you are. When you send your Curriculum Vitae (CV), the company will automatically receive it.
Know the status of your applications
Access your candidate area and monitor the status of your applications: you will be able to know if the company continues with the open process and your application is still active, if the company has seen your application or if it has been discarded. You will also receive notifications when your candidacy changes status.
If a company receives your CV and considers that your professional profile fits what they are looking for, they could start a chat conversation with you to get to know you better. In that case, prove your worth by answering the questions they ask you. In short, it shows that you are the ideal person for that job vacancy.
Talentview 3D
Take the Talentview 3D for free, an innovative assessment of skills, work personality and values, and discover your strengths and areas for improvement. Furthermore, if you wish, you can show your results to the companies that are hiring and stand out from the rest of the candidates.
Plan your career with AI
Discover with the help of AI and the Computrabajo career planner the necessary steps to advance professionally in the short and long term. Explore the positions that best fit your skills and interests and establish a career plan to achieve your professional goals.
Create job alerts and notices
Filter the job search according to the criteria that interest you and create job alerts to receive notifications with new published offers that meet the selected filters.
Employment leaders in Latin America
With a presence in 19 countries in Latin America, at Computrabajo you have more than half a million vacancies that are constantly renewed so that finding a job is quick and easy.
Don't miss the opportunity to find your next job on the Computrabajo job board!
We welcome you to your professional future.
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