CQ is your instant connection to shop and save. Receive special-offers and deals
More and more smart shoppers are choosing to CQ. CQ is your instant connection to shop and save. Here’s how it works. While you’re shopping, CQ sends real-time, special offers and sales alerts to your smart phone as you pass in front of offering stores and service providers.
Let’s say one of your favorite stores is running a special offer. With CQ, you’ll get a sales alert from the store, right on the spot, so you can stop in and save!
You can receive multiple alerts from various stores while you shop. Just scroll through the alerts to decide which ones you want to take advantage of. You can even perform powerful searches to anywhere from anywhere to find the best deals before you shop! And, you can even share sales alerts with your family and friends, so everybody can save!
CQ is easy, free, and confidential, it doesn’t track or record your location or any personal information. CQ isn’t just a new way to get more coupons, or group discounts. CQ is a whole new way to shop … and, a new way to save on the things you want. Just click on “download the App” for your instant shopping and saving connection.
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