Collection of 40 Douas (invocations) of the Quer'an Begins with the word "rabbana"
Salam Alikoum,
Above all Ramadan Karim, Baraka Allah or Fikoumm.
Koran Dou3a:
is a mobile application that brings together 40 invocations from the Koran formulated by prophets, piles or repentant persons, wishing to the blessing and approval of Allah.
Each Dou3a is displayed in French and phonetics,
The application has a simplified design and user interface.
Koran Dou3a is free without any limitation.
Phonetics was specially written for a French -speaking public.
In case of errors, bug do not hesitate to contact me that Allah preserves you
Audio is available no internet connection.
If you like, note, comment, share this application;)
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To all those who will take the time to read me,
Baraka Allah or Fikoum, thank you in advance,
If you like this application, don't forget me in your Dou3as,
Do not forget our parents, the sick, those who suffer, the orphans.
Never forget to thank Allah for what he has given you.
Wal Hamdoulilah,
If you have a few minutes, I would be very grateful to you if you install, the different applications of my sponsors
This will only bring back very little but El Hamdoulilah, it will allow Inch'Allah, with the help of Allah to finance the costs of developments, of my projects.
To thank you, for having taken the time to read everything, here is the link of my new projects, (it is still of development) it is an exclusive bonus just for you http: /;);););)
Do not forget the poor, the orphans, the sick and especially our parents in your Dou3a.
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