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Learn the world countries locations maps! Educational game for kids and adults.

Learn the world countries locations maps!

"Countries Location Maps Quiz" is a geographical test, that allow you to check your knowledge of the political maps of the world!


- for given map you select proper country,

- 10 levels of difficulty,

- at every level there are countries from different regions of the world (Europe, North and South America, Africa, Asia, Middle East, Oceania, Central America and Caribbean)

- learning mode without time pressure,

- ranking of the top players,

- beautiful graphics,

- online multiplayer game mode,

- achievements to get.

You've probably heard not once on television about different countries scattered around the world wondering "where it actually is?" Can you find Benin on the map of Africa? Are you able to distinguish between Dominica and Dominican Republic? Install this app and gain new knowledge.

Your score is sum points from all levels.

Test yourself by comparing your score with the best ranked online.

This geographical test includes European, Asian, American, African and Oceania countries - all countries of the world.

Geography is a field you like? If so, this political maps trivia, will help you for sure!


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What's New in the Latest Version 2.0.7

Last updated on Mar 28, 2020 Added multiplayer game mode.
Added translations to new languages.
Bugs corrections.

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