Get all your BART information - real-time and future with this simple app !
The BART Usher provides real-time BART information. Es ermöglicht Ihnen, Echtzeit-Zuginformationen für jeden Bahnhof abzurufen, Ihre BART-Reisen zu planen und Beratung und Aufzugsinformationen für das System zu erhalten und bevorzugte Routen zu speichern. It also includes a BART system map for reference.
Note: The app retrieves info from the BART system. If there are problems with that system, the app will not behave as expected. Please don't just assume that the app is not working. Just to be sure you can check the BART mobile website. You should see the same issues. Please do notify me of such issues. You can send me an email from within the app now.
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