
Campfire Graphic Novels

It is night-time in the forest. Ein Lagerfeuer knistert und das Geschichtenerzählen hat begonnen. In the warm, cheerful radiance of the campfire, the storyteller's audience is captivated. Inspiriert von dieser dauerhaften Beziehung zwischen einem Lagerfeuer und dem packenden Geschichtenerzählen bringen wir Ihnen vier Serien von Campfire Graphic Novels : Unsere Klassiker adaptieren zeitlose Literatur von einigen der größten Schriftsteller aller Zeiten. Our Mythology series features epics, myths, and legends from around the world – tales that transport readers to lands of mystery and magic. Our Biography titles bring to life remarkable and inspiring figures from history. Our Originals line showcases exciting new characters and stories from some of today's most talented graphic novelists and illustrators. We hope you will gather round our campfire and discover the fascinating stories and characters inside our books.

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