3D -Karten -Viewer für Ihre Wanderfahrten.
ElevMaps ist ein leistungsstarkes GPS -Tool mit einer einfachen und einfachen Benutzeroberfläche.
ElevMaps is a 3D / 2D map viewer for your hiking trips, but not only ;
ElevMaps is perfect also for mountain bike, paraglide, and many outdoors activities ...
The 3D maps are rendered in OpenGL by combining map tile from various sources
with elevation data.
The maps can be displayed like classic map (North up) or with automatic rotation
(GPS orientation and Compass orientation)
ElevMaps is also a great map navigation GPS tool ... You'll be never lost with it !
Current features :
. View online/offline maps in 3D and 2D.
. Download maps areas for offline use.
. View offline maps downloaded with Mobile Atlas Creator (MOBAC)
The atlas format is OSMAND tiles storage.
. View Mapsforge maps/OpenAndroMap maps with different render themes.
. Perfect maps view with zoom level commands IN/OUT and screen fingers gestures integration.
. Import and view OziExplorer maps.
. Download and attach elevations for current downloaded maps.
. Use elevation data in SRTM3 format (stored in device and perfect for big maps)
. Track recording in KML/GPX format.
. Track builder for easy trips preparation in KML/GPX format.
. Track player with hiking mode or flight mode 3D in air (KML/GPX format)
. Import/Export tracks in KML/GPX format.
. Statistics window (altitudes, speed, distance ...)
. Search a place on the map (internet needed)
. And more features coming soon ...
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