  • Infiniti Personal Assistant

    Infiniti Personal Assistant

    7.8 3.1.4 2024-10-29

Access your team of professional assistants from your smartphone.

Die Infiniti Personal Assistant App bietet registrierte Benutzer des Infiniti Personal Assistant Service erweiterten Zugang zu einem erstklassigen Team von professionellen Assistenten. Die mobile App bietet registrierten Benutzern die Möglichkeit, Anfragen zu stellen und ihre Geolokalisierung optional über überall auf der Welt über eine Mobilfunk- oder Datenverbindung zu senden. Registered users also have instant access to their past requests and the corresponding Personal Assistant responses.

Not sure what to ask? Infiniti Personal Assistant can do almost anything you desire, including:

•Reserve tickets for a popular concert right when they go on-sale to get the best seats possible.

•Research and call all highly-rated nearby hair salons to see who has availability for a trim and color this week.

•Recommend things to do at your vacation destination based on your interests.

•Find out what recipes you can make with the ingredients currently in your pantry.

•Schedule service appointments at any INFINITI retailer based on your schedule.

•Organize transportation for your wedding guests from the airport.

•Check into your flight on your behalf and make dinner reservations for after you arrive at your destination.

•List all the homes for sale in a town that meet your criteria.

•Purchase items online, like furniture or clothing, based on your specifications like color, material, and dimensions.

• Außerdem kann der Kauf aus Ihrem bereits bestehenden Konto Ihre Kontoanmeldeinformationen an einem Geschäft oder einer Website angibt, um Punkte oder Belohnungen in diesem Geschäft oder in diesem Website zu sammeln.

More examples can be accessed in the app by selecting the "What To Ask" button.

Let INFINITI continue to empower you at every turn. Download the free Infiniti Personal Assistant app today. If you have any suggestions, questions, or need help, send an email to [email protected]. Wir helfen gerne.

Available services/features may be shown. Compatible connected device may be required. Only use services/features and device when safe and legal to do so. Subject to GPS and wireless network availability and connection, and system/technology limitations. Text rates/data usage/subscription may apply. Some services/features provided by companies not within INFINITI or its partners' or agents' control and may be discontinued at any time. For more information, see retailer, owner's manual, or

Was ist neu in der neuesten Version 3.1.4

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 1. Januar 2019 - Aktualisierte Benutzeroberfläche erstellt Zugriff auf frühere Anfragen, wendet sich an Ihren Infiniti -Einzelhändler und sendet neue Anfragen an Ihr professionelles Assistenten -Team einfach.
- App optimizations.

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