KIDS COMPLETE LEARNING at one place.Contains all the information for your kids.
This is the perfect app to have a good time with your children. It is designed to help kids gain knowledge by using cute pictures and amusing user interface.
KIDS COMPLETE LEARNING is quite simple and easy to use. Have your child swipe images around the screen to view and hear the name pronounced.
KIDS Learning App is intended for babies,toddlers,pre-nursery as well as Post-Nursery Kids. It will help kids to gain knowledge with simplified User Interface with real life images and innocent voice.
With image swapping functionality it is a kind of Educational Game for Kids, Kids love to swipe images and listen to different voices.
The App contains various Informations as :
1) Alphabets : Complete A to Z alphabets with Pictures and voices eg A for Apple , B for Ball etc etc
2) Numbers : 0 to 10 Numbers with fancy images and voices to help children
3) Colours : App is having attractive colours for kids like Red,Pink,Yellow,Green etc
4) Shapes : App contains different shapes for kids like Triangle,Rectangle,Square,Circle with high quality images and sound.
5) Fruits : KIDS COMPLETE LEARNING App contains most of the fruits like Apple,Orange,Mango,Kiwi,Banana etc
6) Vegetables : Contains most of the vegetables like ONION,POTATO,TOMATO,MUSHROOMS,PUMPKIN,CARROT etc
8) Monate: KIDS COMPLETE LEARNING App enthält alle Informationen von 12 Monaten mit Voice wie Januar, Februar, März, April, Mai, Juni, Juli, August, September, Oktober, November, Dezember
9) Animals : App has all the images and proper pronoun-cation of Animals like CAT,LION,DOG,TIGER,PIG,MONKEY,ZEBRA etc..
10) Birds : App has most of the famous birds like CROW,SPARROW,KINGFISHER,PARROT,PEACOCK,PIGEON etc.
11) Flowers : KIDS love flowers so the App contains all the famous flowers like LILLY,LOTUS,DAISY,ASTER,DAFFODILS,ROSE,HIBISCUS etc.
12) Body Parts: The APP contains most of the Body Parts for kids like HEAD,NOSE,EYES,EARS,TEETH,BACK,LEGS,HANDS etc.
13) Insects : Contains images with proper voice of different insects like ANT,LADYBUG,MOSQUITO,BUTTERFLY,MOTH etc
14) Reptiles : Contains information of Reptiles for children. The various reptiles within the App are CHAMELEON,SNAKE,TORTOISE,TURTLE,CROCODILE ,LIZARD etc.
15) Water Animals : APP contains nice images of DOLPHIN,FISH,WHALE,OCTOPUS,STAR FISH,CRAB etc
16) Seven Wonders : KIDS COMPLETE LEARNING contains information of all the latest seven wonder for kids, Pre nursery, post nursery children. Die sieben Wunder werden geschrieben und ausgesprochen, und die Liste ist Taj Mahal, Petra, Great Wall of China, Machu Picchu, die Pyramide von Chichen Itza, Roman Colosseum, Christ Reedemer.
17) Vehicles : The App has images of CAR,JEEP,AEROPLANE,TRUCK,TRACTOR,TRAIN,BICYCLE etc.
18) Schulzubehör: Die App enthält Informationen zu gängigen Schulzubehör wie Black Board, Kälbern, Schultasche, Stift, Bleistiften, Bleistiftkasten, Farbkasten, Wasserflasche usw.
Kindergehäuse sind schneller als Supercomputer und sie sind hungrig nach Informationen, sie stellen immer wieder Fragen und lernen weiter und ich hoffe, dass diese App zu Grundkenntnissen für Kinder wird.
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