Erfüllt die Bedürfnisse des Bereichs des Kontroll- und Informationsmanagements.
MultiStop Business ist für kleine Unternehmen konzipiert, die einen großen Bedarf an Kontroll- und Informationsmanagementbereich haben und Ihr Unternehmen auf die nächste Ebene steigern möchten.
Our models are based on sound business practices; allowing us to find better ways of working to achieve your business goals.
Use MultiStop Business to business:
+ promotoria
+ Hardware
+ Comercializadoras
Choose the category of your business turn and takes full advantage of the possibilities offered Multistop you to grow your business.
MultiStop Business will help you:
+ Capture evidence of point of sale.
+ Record and real-time control field activities.
+ Reduce the costs of transportation and distribution of goods.
+ Optimize routes and prospect new customers.
+ Have your catalog of products or services.
+ Improve care and customer service.
MultiStop Business , just like big companies do !.
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