Alles, was ein Schüler braucht, um jetzt organisiert zu bleiben, passt in Ihre Tasche! ?
Oh nein! Your phone is ringing in the middle of the class!
Even worse! You forgot this important assignment! ?
School Assistant will make your school life easier and help you plan your life.
Ihr neuer Klassenkamerad passt in Ihre Tasche und ist vollständig anpassbar und wächst jeden Monat mit neuen Funktionen und Möglichkeiten, so dass es genau für Sie geeignet ist.
See the right information when you need it
Open the app to see your day and upcoming tasks at a glance. Get notifications so you don't forget your assignments. Use widgets to see what you're looking for without even opening the app.
Don't worry, if you're at a class or in a presentation your phone will mute automatically.
Fully customizable
Made to work everywhere in the world, School Assistant lets you change many details so that it works right for you.
Better control of your grades and attendance
Tap your classes to learn what's changing your final grade and check your attendance.
If you are satisfied with School Assistant , you should try School Assistant + which offers the following advantages:
• Main screen customization
• Unlimited class and evaluation types
• Google Calendar sync (one way)
• Google Drive sync
• Multi-user support
• Custom icons
• Use emojis as icons
• App access protection (fingerprint support)
• Extra widgets
• Keine Anzeigen
• Many more features coming soon
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