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Voice commands for calling and writeing sms

Why lite version ?

***Less permisions

***Fast Startup

***More easy to use and understand

***Call and sms oriented

Best features of this app

**Voice calling and sms

**Voice navigation

**Voice notepad

**Swipe command - perform actions without voice (functional without internet)

**Reads sms upon carmode activation

**Custom rules to compensate voice recognition errors due to noise

**Proximity sensor will start voice recognition

**Write sms without even touching the phone.

**Share text by email,whatapp or save it to notepad

Neu! Google supports now offline voice recognition !!!

Update Google (just type google on google play)

Install offline voice data in your native language

Was brauchst du?

Voice recognition set on english (IT A MUST because we use device voice settings)

App located in 15 languages !

Wir bemühen uns, in Zukunft weitere Sprachen hinzuzufügen. Wenn diese App Ihre Sprache noch nicht unterstützt, schreiben Sie uns bitte unter [email protected] und wir werden sie auf unsere Prioritätsliste setzen.

How should use this app ?

Suited for car usage the app is fully oriented to fast calling and writing sms.

Wir haben Funktionen hinzugefügt, mit denen Sie die kostenlose Steuerung der vollen Hände sowie einige nützliche und nützliche Funktionen ermöglichen: Navigation, Speichern von Notizen, Surfen, Durchsuchen von Videos oder Bildern mit Al mehr auf Pro -Version

Our slogan : Never say: CANCEL or YES PLEASE again ! But Why ?

The app reduces to the minimum conversation procedures of Siri app .

Powerful and build up to be use in our daily life! In private places it allows you to manually select everything , all actions are done by button pressed , you even won't write commands .

The app does not ask questions . But it listens to your rules and executes calling just on a comun contact name command .

We do not use home , mobile tags for numbers ... just to make sure you skip any routine that will slow the calling process .

Rules and exceptions are defined on the way , no prior configuration needed .

Do not hesitate to support us !

We answer to your mail requests and be glad to listen to your suggestions .

Danke !

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