Out and about and looking to save? Deals by Citysearch is here to help!
Out and about and looking to save? Deals by Citysearch is here to help! Check out hot daily deals from Groupon, Gilt City, Tippr and more, as well as our own Citysearch deals. Using your GPS we’ll drop deals straight onto a map showing you what your city has to offer. Easily filter through the offers to find exactly what you’re looking for use our list view. Save on the go or plan ahead, it’s your call with Deals by Citysearch.
Deals by Citysearch features:
• Find offers and deals around you using our GPS-enabled map-driven application
• Get daily deals from Groupon, Gilt City, Tippr, TownHog, DealPop, Bloomspot and more
• Switch between Map view or List view to see all offers at once
• Filter deals by category such as restaurants, bars, shopping, and more
• Drag the map to a new location, or type in a city to search for offers anywhere in the USA
• Save deals for later and sort by expiration or distance from your location
• Easily get directions to any business location with a deal
• Personalize the app! Store your preferred filters and automatically delete expired offers from your saved list
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