Best Discount Calculator!
Best Discount Calculator!
Out shopping and see an item on sale?
Quickly determinate how much you will save and what the final price will be after applying the store's discount with Discount Calculator.
Drag the seekbar or press the ‘+1%’ ‘-1%’ ‘+10%’ ‘-10%’ button to set the discount value quickly,check the ‘Include Tax:’ to calculate a product contain tax after discount.
Press '+' button to calculate multi-item one time.
Press 'clear' button to reset the value of discount and price quickly.
Use the "setting" by press 'menu',set the rate of discount value on button
Any problem about Discount Calculator, it's better to send feedback to us to get help then 1 star!We'll reply ASAP!
*Easy to use
*Discount percentage calculate
*Tax support
*AD Free
*Fit for pad
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