HomeGamesMusic Rhythm
  • Drums Play

    Drums Play

    7.8 1.0 2024-12-20
    Music Rhythm

Professional Drum Playing Game.

Drums , percussion team. It serves to keep the rhythm of the song. French is a word of Turkish history .

The playback speed of the drum , as well as require balance and fluency. Should regularly works with metronome and single -stroke , double -stroke , paradidl , doubles paradidl to , trilogies , hand techniques such as inert, description , verse on verse rhythm , octal, right techniques such as hexadecimal kick strokes (if you left if the twin pedal also preferred same exercise can be applied ) , in quadrature with the hi-hat , octal, training on techniques such as hand-foot left foot , and of course the combination of techniques such as hexadecimal count should be performed.

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