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Throughout the year, the EDF group offers many job offers, work -study, thesis and life internship.
Thanks to our EDF recrute , find all these offers on your mobile and remain informed of the opportunities offered to you.
The EDF recrute application allows you:
- to consult all the offers of the 3 companies in the group: EDF SA, ERDF, EDF Energy,
- to consult the offers according to your research criteria (types of offers, profiles, areas of competence, geographic areas),
- to create a selection of offers related to your professional project,
- to subscribe to email alerts,
- send the selected offers to your email address to apply online later,
- Send offers to your friends.
But the EDF recrute is also:
- a "News" section to keep you informed of the recruitment news within the group,
- A "Videos" section to discover the group's professions and the events related to recruitment
Also find us on www.edfrecrute.com
Legal notices
The EDF recrute is the property of Electricité de France, a public limited company:
- in the share capital of 911,085,545 euros,
- registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register, under number 552 081 317,
- intra -community VAT: vat eu fr 03552081317
and whose head office is located:
22-30 avenue de Wagram
75008 Paris
Tel: 33 (0) 1 40 42 22 22
The Director of Publication of the EDF recrute is Mrs. Florence Cordier, as a responses employer brand and recruitment of the EDF group
The company having designed and produced the EDF recrute is:
Altays, SARL: 5 rue de la Grange Batelière - 75 009 Paris - Tel: 33 (0) 178 09 73 90
- Energy Day 2013
- New design and navigation
- Job offers: optimization of research by criteria and consultation, sharing of offers by email and on social networks
- News: Share our news
-Meet us: Follow our events (forums and salons), share them and add them to your calendar
-Follow us: find us on social networks and download the mobile apps of the EDF group
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