Local weather, radar, alerts & forecasts from the CBS 42 Storm Team.
Download the app backed by the trusted weather experts on CBS 42 Storm Team. Trust the CBS 42 Storm Team to deliver Central Alabama's most accurate hour-by-hour forecast for the next day and the week ahead. Obtendrá un pronóstico local que está personalizado para usted y presionará alertas de nuestros meteorólogos que emiten "alerta del clima" o "alerta del clima" de anticipación, en función del nivel de amenaza en nuestros datos del modelo de pronóstico.
Download the CBS 42 Weather app now for fast, accurate local and national weather at your fingertips. Con sus notificaciones de alerta personal basadas en su ubicación dentro del polígono de una tormenta, sabrá cuándo se dirige un clima significativo y cuándo se va a cubrir.
Cuando viaja, use la aplicación CBS 42 Weather para obtener pronósticos meteorológicos en tiempo real, radar interactivo y condiciones actuales para cualquier lugar de los EE. UU.
The app utilizes the most advanced radar maps, weather and digital technology available. With its easy to use interactive radar, you can take control and see where the storm is now and where it is heading.
-Push alerts directly from the CBS 42 Storm Team tell you ahead of time when to be weather aware or weather alert
-Cutting edge Weather Aware/Alert notification system helps viewers understand the forecast
- Live interactive radar lets you track the storms
- Alerts for severe weather go to your home screen and cue an audio alert
- The most accurate hour-by-hour forecast for the next day and week ahead for Central Alabama
- The latest video forecast from the CBS 42 Storm Team
- Current weather conditions for Central Alabama and anywhere in the United States
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