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Free Amazing Latest G4 HD wallpapers!


Vaviya Production's Backgrounds HD has hit 7,00,000+ Downloads worldwide!

- Oh yes, it's true that we've been loved by over 7,00,000 people worldwide !

- Backgrounds HD has received reviews from 1,600,000 people rating average of 4.6/5.0

- Check out Vaviya Production's great selection of over 8,000 wallpapers.

- Daily updates of beautiful wallpapers :D

Backgrounds HD features

? Google material design

- We offer you Android 5.0's simple interface and minimized designs.

? Simple, fast and light

- Backgrounds HD more focuses on wallpaper image itself, to make greater performance.

- You would never have to worry about your memories or battery running out.

? Picking wallpapers

- Brand new, beautiful wallpapers updated everyday.

- Check out the hottest wallpapers selected by users worldwide.

- Easy search system with 30 categories and keyword search.

- All the images include artist's information, license details and URL of the artist's webpage.

? Setting wallpapers

- Cropping images, filters and various set as wallpapers modes (standard, entire, fixed, scrollable and more) available.

- Keep the favorite images by easily saving them to your own device.

- Share images to anyone and any other applications in simple way.

? Favorites and histories

- Keep your own favorites and histories.

Vaviya Production Backgrounds HD's Facebook page

- Don't miss Vaviya Production Backgrounds HD's newest updates on our Facebook page.


Vaviya Production Backgrounds HD's Flickr group

- Please join Vaviya Production Backgrounds HD's flickr group! You'll have chance to share your own works to the people all around the world.

Translation contributors

- Vaviya Production Backgrounds HD's translation work into English is done by Jangwon Choi. Gracias.

- Si está interesado en ayudarnos a traducir nuestro servicio a su propio idioma, envíenos un correo electrónico con su nombre y idioma disponible en Soporte+Lang@Vaviya


[email protected]

Copyright © 2011-2015 Vaviya Production Corp., Inc. All rights reserved.

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