Find the filling stations with the best prices around you and in a route
Gasoline and Diesel Spain allows you to find the filling stations in Spain with the best prices in all types of fuels: Gasolina 95, Gasolina 95 No de Protección, Gasolina 98, Diesel, Diesel Mejorado, Gasóleo B, Gasóleo C, Biodiesel, Bioetanol, GLP and GNC.
We initially show you the best prices of Gasolina 95 in a 10 km radius, but you can customize everything you need. Just simply open the lateral panel and choose between the following options:
- Show the filling stations in a list or display them in a map.
- Automatic or manual location: Get the prices around your current position or type a custom address.
- You can also specify a route and show all the filling stations along the way!
- Sort the results by price or by distance to the selected location.
- Choose the maximum distance to the filling stations, from 1 to 200 km (some values require supporting the app through subscription).
- Show all the filling stations or only those brands that you care about.
- Enter any discounts you may have for each brand and the prices will update automatically.
- Tap a filling station on the list to expand its details.
- View the historical of fuel prices for a given filling station.
- You can find more customization options in the Settings.
The prices we show are directly taken from the Geoportal of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, and we do not have control over them. We make our best efforts to detect the changes in the prices and reflect them in the app as soon as possible. However, the filling stations and the wholesalers are the ones responsible for keeping the data correct and up to date.
Permissions used
- Servicio de facturación de Google Play (compras en la aplicación): ofrecemos suscripciones para aquellos que desean apoyar la aplicación y disfrutarla sin el banner de anuncios. Any payment requires your explicit consent through the Google Play billing service dialogs. No payment is required to use the app.
- create accounts and set passwords: The app creates and account for its own use for syncing data with our servers. No other accounts are accessed in any way.
-Ubicación aproximada (basada en red) y ubicación precisa (GPS y basada en la red): utilizamos los servicios de ubicación que ha habilitado en su dispositivo para saber dónde se encuentra y mostrar las estaciones de llenado a su alrededor.
- create accounts and set passwords: The app creates and account for its own use for syncing data with our servers. No other accounts are accessed in any way.
- read Google service configuration: We depend on Google provided services for analytics, maps and location functionality.
- Acceso completo a la red y ver conexiones de red: necesitamos una conexión a Internet para descargar los datos de precios y descripciones y para determinar ubicaciones y rutas manuales.
- Ejecute al inicio: cuando enciende su dispositivo, registramos un servicio de fondo para descargar datos a través de Wi-Fi de antemano, por lo que cuando abre la aplicación, todo está listo para funcionar.
- control vibration: We may use notifications that include vibration only when there is very important info to show.
- Lea la configuración de sincronización y active y desactive la sincronización: la sincronización que realizamos con la cuenta de la aplicación requiere que estos permisos puedan actualizar los datos de la aplicación.
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