IniciojuegoAventura de acción

MEET STORM, the nicest and easiest horse around.


The nicest and easiest horse around. Storm likes to gallop around and eat carrots (his favorite food).

While riding in the meadow, Storm collects haystacks to trade them for enhanced riding skills, later at the barn.

La tormenta debe saltar sobre obstáculos y hay muchos a lo largo de su camino: agujeros en el suelo, terrazas, piedras, troncos, cercas, bisones, árboles de cactus, pilas de heno y rastrillos. From time to time, he must also watch out for the nasty eagles. While riding Storm, you must pay attention to Storm's health bar. Failing to jump over the obstacles will reduce Storm's health.

Riding Storm is easy, tap once to jump or double tap to jump higher and further. Probablemente notará que cuanto más tiempo salga, más rápido será y comiendo zanahorias hasta que el medidor de zanahoria esté lleno, incluso obtendrá 5 segundos de sprints para recolectar tantas pilas de heno como pueda.


* Simple game controls - tap once to jump, tap twice to jump higher and further

* Three fantastic grounds for Storm to ride around. A change of scenery is always nice

* 12 different obstacles to watch out for

* 5 seconds sprints every time you fill the carrot meter (by eating carrots)

* Barn to trade haystacks for enhanced riding skills and Storm skins (Cowboy Rider and Golden Armor)

* Leaderboard and challenging distance trophies to collect

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