Chat with friends and family and receive deals from local businesses
Who's in your Lasso?
Lasso IM is a social media application that allows users to receive information and deals from businesses within their selected 'lasso'. The 'lasso' distance is controlled by the user and ranges from 0-50 miles. It combines both the traditional methods of advertising with 'real-time', hyper advertising.
Lasso IM is also an instant messenger and allows users to interact with both their phone and Facebook contacts like any other instant messenger.
The range (0-50 miles) is controlled by you the whole time. Las empresas también pueden optar por impulsar sus ofertas e información de 'tiempo real' a un radio más pequeño desde su ubicación, pero siempre tiene el control de lo que recibe.
Lasso IM es una forma totalmente nueva en que las empresas pueden interactuar con usted y es la única aplicación que integra tanto la hiper-publicidad como un mensajero instantáneo dentro de una aplicación.
Lasso IM uses a stand-alone login process, which means anyone* can experience Lasso IM *terms and conditions apply.
If you encounter any difficulties then please contact Lasso IM at [email protected]
Thank you for using Lasso IM
- Chat with phone and Facebook contacts who have Lasso
- Receive localised offers to your Phone
- Complete control of your “Lasso” distance between 0-50 miles
- See where the local deals are
- Two types of maps within the App
- Manage your privacy easily
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