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10 Plushes Pokémon de tamaño natural más grande, clasificados por altura


For Pokémon fans, the Pokémon Center store is a hub for collectibles. La colección de tamaño natural de la tienda es un verdadero plateador de la multitud, con rellenos de titulares pasados ​​y Pokémon favoritos de los fanáticos en las generaciones aquí son los peluches Pokémon de tamaño natural del grupo, clasificados por altura.

10. Porygon Life Size Poké Plush (31.5 inches)

Imagen a través de Pokémon Company

Nunca adivinaría que Porygon es uno de los miembros más grandes de la creciente colección de tamaño de vida del Centro Pokémon, pero, de acuerdo con su tradición, los entrenadores han aprendido a esperar lo inesperado cuando se trata del tipo normal I Normal, cuya lujos se mantiene en aproximadamente 31 pulgadas. While Porygon isn't exactly known for its warm gaze or welcoming demeanor, its life size plush certainly makes it look like a great listener.

Porygon's price reflects its canon rarity, retailing at $499.99.

9. Larvesta Life Size Poké Plush (35.5 inches)

Imagen a través de Pokémon Company

Attention, bug lovers and Bug-type enthusiasts! Larvesta is currently one of the biggest Pokémon plushes you can get your hands on (and easily one of the fluffiest). The Bug/Fire type is one of the most beloved to come out of Gen V, evolving into the powerhouse Volcarona. Its fiery bristles might make it tough to cuddle, but it's still one of the cutest caterpillars around.

Larvesta is on the cheaper side of the Pokémon Center's life size collectibles, priced at $399.99.

8. Altaria Life Size Poké Plush (37.75 inches)

Imagen a través de Pokémon Company

On the cuddliness scale, I'd say Drampa and Appletun are the only other Dragon types to rival Altaria. Even then, there's really no competition. We've all dreamt of resting our heads on a cloud, and with Altaria's help, you can make that dream a reality. This life size cutie sits at just under 38 inches tall, a great size for an even better snuggle.

The Altaria life size plush is among the most expensive, though, priced at $499.99 at the Pokémon Center.

7. Spheal Life Size Poké Plush (39.5 inches)

Imagen a través de Pokémon Company

Drum roll, please, for the roundest Pokémon plush of all: Spheal! Though there are bigger stuffies out there, the nearly 40-inch Spheal life size plush is definitely one of the squishiest. ¿No me creas? Its Pokémon Center product photos showcase just how huggable (and huge) the Gen III Water/Ice-type truly is. Your favorite Squishmallow buddies will have some stiff competition on their hands with this baby lying around.

At the Pokémon Center, you'll find the Spheal life size plush for sale for $449.99.

6. Mareep Life Size Poké Plush (45 inches)

Imagen a través de Pokémon Company

Mareep may not have the biggest plush, but it's certainly one of the biggest cuties of the Pokémon Center's life size bunch. At 45 inches, the fan-favorite Electric-type has more than enough fluff to keep you cozy (or to cushion any cuteness aggression it triggers). Give it a good squeeze or put it on display next to your best throw pillows for guests to marvel at its fleece.

Unfortunately, being this adorable comes at a price. That would be $499.99, to be exact. Still, it's so, so tempting.

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5. Lucario Life Size Poké Plush (47.25 inches)

Imagen a través de Pokémon Company

This plush will never escape the Mr. Steal Your Girl memes that went viral with its release. (¿Cómo podría? La intención en su mirada es alarmante). Pero, oye, no es sorprendente que el tamaño de la vida Lucario le haya atraído tanta atención, teniendo en cuenta que sigue siendo uno de los Pokémon más populares desde que debutó en la Generación IV y finalmente se convirtió en un miembro más confiable del equipo de Ash en el anime.

I suppose its size mirrors its acclaim, but it's also reflected in its Pokémon Center shelf price of $419.99.

4. Wailord Life Size Poké Plush (57 inches)

Imagen a través de Pokémon Company

Wailord was once the largest Pokémon of all, now beaten out by the legendary Eternatus. According to the 'dex, the hulking Water type floats in at a whopping 48 feet tall. Por supuesto, esto apunta a una discrepancia de tamaño bastante notable entre el Pokémon Gen III y su peluche de "tamaño de vida" de 57 pulgadas, pero le doy una A por practicidad. It's a real titan of a body pillow, even if it's not the biggest one around.

You can get this hefty guy for $419.99 through the Pokémon Center.

3. Arcanine Life Size Poké Plush (59 inches)

Imagen a través de Pokémon Company

The Pokémon Center's massive Arcanine plush reminds me a lot of those giant tiger stuffies that were super popular in the early 2000s. I mean, it's even hitting the same pose, and it's around the same size at 59 inches. La mejor parte? Its mane and tail are extra fluffy, essential makings of the most loyal cuddle buddy.

Though it's not the biggest life size plush, its price is still up there at $449.99 through the Pokémon Center.

2. Slowpoke Life Size Poké Plush (59 inches)

Imagen a través de Pokémon Company

Con 59 pulgadas, el peluche LifePoke SlowPoke de tamaño natural del Centro Pokémon es un tanque aún más grande que Wailord y Arcanine, desviándose bastante de la canon. Aun así, SlowPoke sigue siendo uno de los monstruos más queridos disponibles rellenos, lo que es la pareja perfecta para un día de perezoso en la cama o una estadía relajante.

Naturally, its price reflects its sheer size, retailing at $450 at the Pokémon Center.

1. Gardevoir Life Size Poké Plush (63 inches)

Imagen a través de Pokémon Company

Probablemente en un intento por evitar el tratamiento de memes otorgado a Lucario's Life Size Plush, la adición más reciente del Centro Pokémon, Gardevoir, se ve bastante normal en las fotos de sus productos. Por supuesto, la noticia de la llegada del Humanoide Plushie todavía ha alcanzado las partes menos que sabrosas de la Web, pero incluso eso no puede eclipsar el tamaño de Gen III Pokémon Plush. Gardevoir podría no ser un monstruo particularmente grande, de ninguna manera, pero su pelaje de tamaño natural es actualmente el más grande a la venta, de 63 pulgadas.

Surprisingly, Gardevoir has yet to sell out at the Pokémon Center, where you can now buy the jumbo plush for $449.99.

All life size Pokémon plushes listed can be purchased through the Pokémon Center store.

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