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Cómo completar el mapa intimidante de la pieza de bacalao felino en AVOWED


En el transcurso de Adowed , encontrarás varios mapas de tesoros diferentes que tienen un elemento increíble que espera, si puedes averiguar a dónde se supone que debes ir. The first you're likely to encounter is the Intimidating Feline Codpiece Map, so here's how to complete it in Avowed .

Salta a:

  • Where to Get the Intimidating Feline Codpiece Map in Avowed
  • Where to Find the Intimidating Feline Codpiece Map's Treasure in Avowed
  • What the Intimidating Feline Codpiece Map Gives You
  • What Builds Should Use the Stelgaer's Pride Armor?

Where to Get the Intimidating Feline Codpiece Map in Avowed

When you arrive at the Living Lands and say Garryck and (maybe) Ilora, you'll meet your first trio of merchants. Uno de ellos, Lynna, tendrá el elemento "Mapa del tesoro - intimidante de la pieza de bacalao felina" disponible para 115. Compre el mapa y podrá encontrarlo en la sección de documentos de su revista bajo Paradis.

The text of the map reads, “My husband spent a fortune on this stelgaer codpiece to spice things up in the bedroom. Now he's dead on account of a weak heart. I want nothing to do with that tasteless (though brutally effective) garment, so I leave it to the gods to find a worthy bearer.”

Now that's lore.

Where to Find the Intimidating Feline Codpiece Map's Treasure in Avowed

Head out from the Gods' Gate Beacon, which is east of Paradis and north of the Southern Embrace text on the map. Skirt around the Yellowband Camp. The fight there can be quite difficult if you're under-leveled, so avoid it unless you're pretty confident in taking on a tough challenge. Skirt around the southern and eastern edges of the Yellowband Camp. When you come on a fork in the road, go to the right.

There, you'll find a boarded up area. Smash the boards and open the chest on your left.

What the Intimidating Feline Codpiece Map Gives You

Dentro del cofre, encontrarás lo siguiente: Stelgaer's Pride + 2, scelling dorado (6), Fenning de plata (8), arquebus común, garra de oso, pieles (2) y rama de madera blanda (2).

As the Stelgaer's Pride armor is what you're there for, here's a breakdown of its stats:

Armor Type Estadísticas Talento Upgrade Requirements Descomponer Peso
Medium, Unique 18% Damage Reduction, 9 Additional Damage Reduction, -35 Maximum Stamina, -30 Maximum Essence Bloodied Fury: Cast Barbaric Shout when taking damage greater than 30% of your Maximum Health
Lesser Relentless: +5% Stamina regeneration rate
Pelt (28), Paradisan Ladder (6) Pelt (10), Paradisan Ladder (6) 18

What Builds Should Use the Stelgaer's Pride Armor?

Teniendo en cuenta lo temprano que puede obtener la armadura del orgullo de Stelgaer en la declarada , ya que el mapa intimidante de la pieza de bacalao felino es literalmente el primero que puede obtener en el juego, es una armadura temprana bastante buena, especialmente si está jugando un personaje más físico. I was running a spellsword, and I found it pretty useful, at least for a time.

And that's how to complete the Intimidating Feline Codpiece map in Avowed .

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